Just finished playing ***** on Facebook; while listening to I Gotta Feeling :) (helps me make the most amount of combos) Just being kind of bored so made a list of movies we can watch (will be all out by this year):
This post was oh-so-obviously-edited on Dec 16.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Firstly, "Hi all" is stupid. Secondly, my right index finger is ruined so pardon any spelling mistakes you may find. (Hi, this other font / this other font is wx, so I can edit zx's post instead of writing my own :) and this is yantong and this is zx again and again (stupid blogger, this is my second time writing this cos it din save and couldn't publish)
Ok, so went East Coast Park today with Wei Xuan, Shi Yi and Yan Tong (Jia Ying couldn't tag along).obviously. Woke at 6.45 owned i woke up one hour later so that I can lug my 16 pokemon comics to Shi Yi's house T.T So I was waiting at the bus stop, and along came a 963, wow, interesting. Quite packed for the like third stop??? So anyway, to cut a long journey short, I got to her house, sort of. There were four doors, each which could cause my demise by simply knocking on the door. Looking left, right, left, right again, left, so on and so forth, and still don't see anything yellow. Aha! An open door, so I knocked, and this auntie came to the door and I asked if Shi Yi was inside and she said no, and then you know what happens next. Block? Correct. Floor? Correct. Door? Wrong. Fine, the door wasn't yellow, it was some random colour that I can't remember... And to cut a longer telephone conversation short, I went up 2 floors and went down 2 floors and found a yellow door... with a lift next to it -.- So went in, put down my books, hugged Jackpot and left.
So went down to Pending bus-stop, waiting waiting waiting for Yan Tong (who was late (as usual)). no no im usually punctual And our bus was here, oh no... Shall we dump Yan Tong and get on the 966 ourselves? Not like we could squeeze on anyway. Then at this very moment, Yan Tong appeared out of nowhere with a big soccer ball in a small bag =.= it wasn't small at all ok fine...The bus was still there, waiting for people to "...move to the rear Singapore, the rear is worth waiting for..." And amazingly everyone got on, but may have been easier if we just tossed the ball out. no it wouldn't i pu tmy bag on the floorSo we stood for 40 mins, sat for 2o mins and stood for another half a minute before we got off the bus (well you have to walk there right?). Met with after crossing the road, only to cross back to get to ECP, and decided that the other way was faster so walked back across. (Wei Xuan brought a really weird map) (its just seriously unmagnified [it has altogether 28 maps displaying the whole of Singapore)
So we walked, and walked, and there came a "are we there yet?" and a "do you know how to get there?I'm going to kill you if you say no then why didn't you like read the map and figure your way here instead of relying on me?" (because you said you memorized routes and we all know you have the best sense of direction) what if I was sick (like today) and left you all stranded at parkway parade? and after another few minutes: "That taxi uncle cheated me!" Ok, so we were in ECP (No, not in the middle of the highway, East Coast Park), and firstly we had to find a bike kiosk and there wasn't one in the horizon. So we strolled left under the baking sun (and the shady trees =D) and (obviously) found a bike kiosk, bigger than I expected. Rent an hour and have another hour free, which I believe is for resting your butt, toilet breaks, water breaks (and mobile library visiting).
Lots of people, cycling, jogging, skating, pram-pushing, grass-cutting, mosquito-killing, whining, limping, crying after falling, dog walking (with the dog on the bike). After maneuvering numerous twists and turns and uphill slopes (and countless overtaking between me and Shi Yi)(and no overtaking between me and ytand lot of yells from me since im paranoid) (where zx and yt were being "hao lian" by using his phone while cycling on the former ermmm what? "on" is the wrong preposition it shld be "for" or smth hey, it's not that difficult, and since I din want u all to wait for me so I might as well use the phone on the bike right? , and my standing up and cycling on the latter no shiyi started it then my butt quite painful so i tried too I did too, but it wasn't obvious cos I only lifted my butt by 1 cm for 3 secs) (and Yan Tong constantly asking "where's Wei Xuan?" since she claims that she cannot turn backward else she would crash), we came to a straight (and slightly narrow) path that resembled the Hundred Trees near our school (what the hell is the Hundred Trees?) (Oh no, we forgot to take a pic). And then this guy with a dog (it was a woman) Can't tell, it was so fast (on his bike) zipped past saying "keep to the right side" (I bet he copied that from the numerous signposts) while we were supposed to be on the left (think he means right as in correct and not the direction). Then passed Outward Bound Singapore, National Sailing Club, Road Safety Park and gave our bottoms a break. Wanted to continue going but "No entry except authorised vehicles" (it went towards Changi Airport [where I just went yesterday and shivered for 4 hours]) , surely we could walk in? Had another hour to go, so turned back, and Shi Yi crashed (ok, sideswiped the fence and fell off swearing vehemently she did not, did she? [she said sh*t] That wasn't swearing vehemently she fell off again later while getting off her bike]). Then we came to the mobile library (and found some racism book that Matthew should borrow) and zx and shiyi were reading it (retarded, what's it doing in ECP?)who can refuse air-con? You call that air-con??? (there was air-con?? Didn't really notice) (for ppl like zx to read and cycle at the same time) So we stayed there for dunno how long and realised that we were wasting time, so we left.
Then went to Bedok jetty, with lots of people fishing (obviously)(half the fish were still flopping on the jetty and they just stuffed the fish into some jar filled with yellow liquid [disgusting {its been a long time since I found anything disgusting}]). i never knew one fishing line could catch three fish when u have 3 hooks on the line of course... (That would be unlikely because all the hooks would be reasonably close to one another; which would lead to the same fish biting down on the same hook) You mean you all haven't seen multiple hooks on the same line? It's quite common wad. The line is so long anw Wei Xuan's bike toppled on Yan Tong's bike, and Yan Tong moved her bike away, like "your bike can topple, but not on mine more like better lean my bike on the chair since its so unstable" where got chair? (that stone bench; and I was saying, "What if ppl want to sit?" Then she said, "So? I'll sit on it lah!") Then this group of cyclists (like us) wanted us to take a photo of them (and Shi Yi enthusiastically agreed so she took the photos). Then Yan Tong was playing around with their camera, taking photos of random stuff. Then continued, past the "Hundred Trees", back where we started, and decided to visit the other end since it we had another half an hour. Then there was this random uncle roller-blading (He was a caucasian and he was kind of young actually [you don't call people under 30 uncle])(There was also this ridiculous woman with ridiculous dressing [polka dotted bikini] and these ridiculously huge headphones who screamed at me in this ridiculous voice to stay on the ridiculous track which is ridiculously narrow) in front, and since we were faster we had to overtake right? Then he caught up and said something about going faster which I couldn't hear in the wind, and he sped ahead (summons please), and so we followed suit (not sure about Yan Tong and Wei Xuan behind though was cycling hard trying to catch up you dim-wit,how hard was it to catch up? The road was empty except the for the four of us and that uncle and we weren't going at full speed. (air resistance; bumps in the road...) and of course we were ahead (two (x 2) big wheels are better than eight small wheels). Dead end, so had to turn back. Before that, butt-rest, (with me arguing with yantong about your butt-muscle, that was way later after we returned the bikeswhich is only used when you go to the toilet [so constipated ppl have to strain more, therefore their butts are bigger [if you keep on using a certain muscle, it will become really strong and increase in size:)water break (and that roller-blading uncle u-turning)(and Shi Yi crashed again (ok toppled) dunno why because she cant u-turn)(its not that hard...) You have to use the brakes though . Returned the bikes 10 mins early and went for a break at McDonalds.
Oh no, no ice cream. No ice cream = no McFlurry = Shi Yi being happy since she can't eat oreo. Coke would do fine. "Coke rots your brain", and Yan Tong got sprite instead. Wei Xuan didn't know: cashier wa waiting for me for ages trying to dig out the exact amount, then I looked up and told her "ermm i already said ok" because she didnt seem to be processing the order nor pouring the drink. giving me a somewhat embarrassed smile, she replied "im waiting for the $2.35" embarrassment on my side follows and i go off as quickly as possible XD
"That has got to be the most disgusting colour of coke I ever seen."
"It's sprite."
And then came a platter of 2 large sprites, sorry I mean fries (seaweed shaker fries, 紫菜遥遥署条, lol). Weird thing is, me and Shi Yi like it, Wei Xuan and Yan Tong don't. Why? (It has this weird texture, a weird taste, and it caused my sore throat this morning) It's so nice... And thereafter came the disgusting sauce by ingenious witch Yan Tong brewed from curry sauce, all the other sauces, seaweed powder and got this viscous (slightly reddish, curryish, tomatish, chillyish, and seaweedish) mixture (...)(and I said something like: "that looks like the colour of my sh*t"). And then as usual, a few drops of the acidic sprite was dripped into it, and as usual, "Wow the sprite makes a hole in the mixture!" (The west coast park mixture) And Yan Tong actually tasted it yeah it sucked but mixing was fun (though she said it was awful) ... and then sucking it through the straw, and blowing a bubble back. "Blob!" and then it spilled a bit on the table. Cleaning up - we dumped everything on the tray (at least we dumped it into the bin i dumped it into the bin!afterwards). Then we headed for the beach.
Fine weather, not too hot, shady (cos of the clouds). Then started digging something to keep my feet dry (I was the only one wearing shoes =.=)(and the seawater was disgusting - looks blue/green but when you scoop it, its actually yellow [diluted urine]). Yan Tong was desecrating some drawing a couple left in the sand (turning it into the physics alien, I think.no i was just converting some heart shape with writing in it to a picture of a boy's face since i dunno how to draw girl's hair She then started making a sandcastle like the one I showed her in my iPod [A castle with a giant hole in the middle]) = a pile of sand which i stuck a mini wooden plank throughShi Yi and Wei Xuan were building sandcastles from the leftover drink containers (it was useless because Shi Yi kept pressing down to see if they were firm, which would inavaraiably start crumbling them - we ended up sprinkling dry sand on them [to make them more sturdy] like chocolate sprinkles on ice cream :) We only ended up making three wonderful sandcastles [out of the 7 times we tried], and Shi Yi kicked them and ended up injuring her leg) O.o The beach was unusually clean, far cry from Sembawang beach. Gave up building (his toilet bowl) and moved upward. Still didn't succeed, didn't have a shovel, the sand was rocky and the tide was coming in (my shoes never got wet =D). (Yantong's "fort" was looking better because the tide kept going to zx's fort and destroying it [The sea is biased] count it stupidity on zx's part for picking the wwrong part of the beach XD Not like I can ask "Mr(s) Tide are you washing up on this portion of shore?" right?
After that me and Yan Tong decided to build a tunnel through the sand which worked, after which Shi Yi and Wei Xuan built one next to ours, and in the end linked up all four (though the wideness and depth were entirely different). Then started flooding it for fun, but never managed to turn it into a underground swamp. Walked across the top a few times, oops. Then decided to tear it down since I read or watched somewhere that people would fall into holes in the beach if not covered up. Then we started jumping on the top to collapse the tunnel beneath, which worked out quite well. Yan Tong got her soccer ball out and we started kicking it around, and into the sea (haha, then it became a sandball)(and I had to collect it nearly everytime it went into the water, which was very often [luckily I brought a towel {which I didn't use in the end though}] Yantong also wanted to aim the ball at zx's butt, but because she didn't wear her specs, she hit "somewhere between his shoulder and his butt" [mainly because he was bending down like some {retarded} ostrich {no offence} but if the ball really hit him, he would fall forward and end up with his face in that urine-like water]). Then once it went to far out. thankfully his revenge failed what revenge? and I wash getting rid of the sand on my arm in the water hello?
"Who's picking it? Someone whose pants are shorter."
*Wei Xuan goes in and picks up the ball, his pants were soaked*
(the water level was over my waist, and I knew that East Coast Sea had this sudden drop and I was scared I would suddenly drop down or something)the sudden drop couldn't have been so near to shore i think, anw weren't you the one who kicked it in?
"Why him? His pants are as long as mine."
"He's the guy with the change of clothes"
(but I didn't change in the end; I just left it to try {so I probably smelt of salt and urine all the way to Shi Yo's house})
Ok, fine, that was stupid (I wonder who was it on the bus that kept complaining that her bag was heavy)i didnt complain on the bus i complained on the bike... and wanted to make use of the ball anw Oh I think it was Shi Yi who complained on the bus. Left at two plus. Headed towards McDonalds to wash my feet in the feet-washing area (and my red and raw fingers (figured that it's only my fingertips but it's the part I type with))(while me and Shi Yi were washing our feet and shoes in the sea. which was kind of useless anyway), zx is too sensitive... didnt everyone else dig as well? True, maybe my fingers are too sensitive, but me and yt dug more wad. and figured that since my soles were sand-less from half a kilometre of barefoot walking, I might as well brush off the remaining sand and wear my shoes. Then we walked to parkway parade for lunch. in which we discussed jy and going somewhere with her next year and shiyi commented zx started talking a lot once we mentioned jy which wasn't true actually. -.- since when did I talk a lot about jy? I only mentioned her once. (denial, denial, denial...[he reacted instantly when Shi Yi said "Jia Ying") Hey, what instantly??? She was referring to our sms conversation where we sidetracked (as always) to why shi yi's fingers were short and stubby (cos she exercises it often =.= [if you exercise it often it should be longer, shouldn't it?]) then I was trying to get her to explain why ppl's fingers are long so I thought of jy since her fingers are longer wad. (If it's so difficult to understand, then I might as well have said wx)Shi Yi took out her 250 (think so) SJAB stickers and then started pasting it around. Around = us (and all the walls and the railings in the underground pass). Then she conspired with Wei Xuan to stick stickers on us (conspiring = me handing her stickers and letting her decide what she wants to do with them [besides, they were being so paranoid: even when I accidentally brushed against yantong's bag, she turned around and said, "You touched my bag! nope. i said "i felt you touch my bag"" It's not like I planted a bomb on it, you know) , and that was canvassing for Yan Tong to join her camp (sticking on me). Yan Tong is evil (universal fact) but not lame (fact just for that moment, haha, jk) and obviously did not join her (wow, haha). only way to not get tricked is to team up right? since ppl stick stuff on you then lie and say there's nothing? so you team and be honest then you dun get tricked right? unfortunately zx teamed with them and kept laughing cos i had a sticker on my hat which i somehow managed not to spot even though i took off my hat to look at it. which defeated the purpose of everything. at this point, i managed to stop saying stuff because 1) behold the power of awkward silences 2) was annoyed and decided that the only way to stop getting sjab stickers was to not care 3) started thinking about stuff instead of caring and thus stopped talking but to give zx credit he removed it for me later (i think)I wasn't teaming with them I was laughing at the two of them pathetically (ok, that is offensive) It is? trying to stick sth on you but didn't manage to (sure? :) Really? You stuck lots of stuff? Then maybe I didn't notice, which means that your next statement makes no sense. I noticed the sticker on your hat afterwards. (you saw us stick lots of stuff on her and didn't make a sound)
Ok we got there. Then went up, and down, through a maze of shops, and found the food court (finally).Yan Tong was saying my hair resembled Gideon's =.= Me and Shi Yi get the food, Wei Xuan gets the drinks and Yan Tong chops the table by lying on it (no lah, haha) (while I was getting the drinks and got root beer because I didn't know what else to get and when I went back, started talking to yantong about how mean and evil zx used to be [which is rich, coming from me, but nvr mind]). and i commented on how evilness can be not fun sometimes, now then you know (please lah, for god's sake) when ppl actually get annoyed hinthintsjabstickers=managedtomakeitnotfunhahahinthint Couldn't find a "cheap and good" store. Decided to stick to porridge (haha)(ew), and realised Wei Xuan bought root beer when I said I dun like root beer (Yantong originally wanted the root beer but I told her coke would give her more energy so she took the coke) (ok lah it was for Shi Yi who coincidentally didn't fancy root beer too (I hate root beer [Why? it's so nice...] as of now it's a universal fact, but when you are dying with nothing to drink, root beer is better than no beer (lol))). i couldn't finish root beer cos i already drank half the coke before shiyi exchanged with me Then Yan Tong was talking about Narnia and went on and on and then complained that she was doing all the talking and wasn't eating while we had almost finished (haha) (I did some talking too and ended up being the 2nd last to finish my century egg porridge [which zx doesn't like{he only had plain, old boring porridge}]) but shiyi seemed interested so i continued. wx helped to tell story too
Headed for the bus stop. Apparently the 966 on our side of the road comes directly from the other side of the road. The bus just u-turns (5 metres down the road) =.= Got on the bus, sat all the way at the back and went on about Narnia while Shi Yi was blowing bubble gum Yan Tong got from Thailand (whoops, Malaysia, sorry... =D=D=D) i can blow much bigger bubbles XD I can't T.T (Then zx was looking at my unmagnified and complaining about how useless and confusing it was while Shi Yi slept on Yantong's shoulder [or collarbone, which yantong said was the most sensitive part of the body]).nope i said was the most painful to get tattooed. and hee head kept moving forward after i managed to get it on my shoudler and off my collar bone resulting in me not sleeping but spending half my time pushing her head up 0.o I tot it was supposed to be nice when someone leans on your shoulder? (Yeah. But I thought you hate ppl leaning on you?) I said I hate ppl (re)lying on me Got to Shi Yi's house (where Shi Yi attacked me with Jackpot while I was figuring out how to close the gate [which was impossible]). Wanted to get my comics (which I previously lent) back. Then she forced us to drink soya milk and vitagen (ok lah, I was thirsty, so ty), and refused to let me out of her house refused to give me soya milk!!! but i got the vitagen out of my fridge myself and (one packet was expired) drank the unexpired one. but yakult's much better vitagen isnt sweet enough It has a weird texture and taste ( :] ) (it has a weird texture?) Sorta, and anw it's quite diff to suck it through the straw (because she said her house was so boring and there was nothing to do). So anyways, her mum came back and I had the chance to slip out (haha) (after hugging Jackpot, of course) . The was crossing the road when I saw... 963!!! Argh, Shi Yi! You caused me to miss my bus! So I waited and waited until the rest of them actually left (and after Yan Tong crossed the road (never wear specs, din see me, lol)) oh wow i didn't know? yeah I wanted to call you but my mouth opened and nothing came out, haha and finally a 966 (which I took in the opp. direction to Eunos MRT [after collecting/buying yt's guitar]) came (with 963 behind). Was quite upset when the 963 overtook my bus, but at least mine is way emptier.
(So after I took 966 [thanks to Shi Yi's direction], I got stuck next to the fat lady [not the statue of liberty] [who should be in the Biggest Loser {whose title isn extremely self-confident, isn't it?} {and I don't know why I always get stuck next to the fatties {not being fattist or anything}}] and ended up missing my stop because I closed my eyes just for a minute to rest and desperately pressed the button 10 times in a row {which ended up pissing everybody in the bus off because most of them were sleeping} but he kept driving till (S)till road and I had to walk all the way to Eunos MRT lugging the guitar.
On the MRT, I stood next to this couple and let them complain about how b*tchy somebody was, and I didn't stick all 250 stickers on my arms because: 1. its like a cast and you can't lift your arms properly 2. My 4th aunt would kill me and [she's kind of strict] 3. There are 43 stickers stuck randomly in East Coast and on {some ppl} so I'll stick it on at home, where my cousin was watching Naruto Shippuden on the laptop and I kept on spoiling the mood of the by playing "Love Story" on the guitar, while he was watching [with his mouth slightly open] about the climatic killing of a giant white snake mde up of smaller snakes by some sort of demonic pedophile) no the demonic pedophile (white faced, captures little children and has a seriously long tongue) was the summoner of the snake and two ppl were trying to kill it one of which is a pervert and has a huge frog, another which is a healer( punches very hard) and has a gigantic slug but the healer was stoning cos she was emo so only the frog pervert fought at first. (wrong episode; in that episode Orochimaru is absorbed by Sasuke, aged 16)
So yeah, that was probably all. My hands DO NOT feel smother Wei Xuan, they are way rougher (and colder) even after a bath and are full of cuts at the fingertips (oh no...) (mine are actually bleeding beneath the nail) im fine :)not fair, my fingertips are still a bit red. (its called sunburn) !!! It's so not sunburn you nut (it so is, you pineapple)
(Ok, this is so priceless [but entirely unrelated on East Coast Park] I had to put it here [it was on Sesame Street this morning {they were talking about changing the lyrics to Mary Had A Little Lamb}] :
Big Bird: "The letter of the day today is J!"
Pink Woman: "Jenny had a little lamb... that sounds wrong..."
Big Bird: "Jenny should be carrying smth that starts with J too!
So, what do you think, girls [two adorable little cupcakes (...) at his feet], what should Jenny have?"
Little Girl: "A Jackhammer"
Sesame Street is screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewed [In the end they had "Jenny had a lump of jam, lump of jam, lump of jam, wherever Jenny went, the jam was sure to jiggle" {...}]) i like:" Jenny had a jackhammer, jackhammer, jackhammer. Jenny had a jackhammer, it's handle two feet long. and everywhere that jenny went, jenny went, jenny went. everywhere that jenny went, the hammer smashed someone. I tot a jackhammer was some form of hammering drill?
1929 (3160) no idea how many now but i didnt write much haha (4307) 0.o words as of here, is it longer than Wei Xuan's and Yan Tong's? Wanted to extend, but nvm...
Labels: jollyfrog's posts
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Dunno why, but I'm kind of in a "sick of everyhting and dun want to do anything mood" which you sometimes get during holidays? like you're bored of old stuff, but dun want to do new stuff either. a bit like too lazy to make yourself happy. which is seriously screwed. all i want to do is watch TV or anime since they're pretty much thte same thing, just sit there and let com/TV do all the work.
I think it started after i watched new moon with pri sch frens ( i know, usually i wouldnt have anything to do wiht th etwilight saga but they wanted to watch and it was an excuse for going out) then i had quite a lot of fun, and I started remembering all the fun times in pri sch ( not to say sec shc isn't fun) and then the friends i made in pri sch, and basically well mentally distracting myslef from sec sch since i wasn't thinking about it. i mean, how do i say this? not like i dun like sec sch or anything, just wasn't thinking about it, and it kind of became well furthur away from reality than it should be to me? ok nevermind hard to explain.
might not be myself for a while, currently feeling aimless and bored, and kicking around the soccer ball woyuld help, except my mom doesnt allow it since she's afraid I'll break stuff. truth be told i nearly broke some lamp yesterday, luckily the glass panel only fell out instead of breaking. aww man but i dun want to go practise in the lift landing if i do my neighbours will come out to play with me and i just want to play alone... and i might kick the ball downstairs. maybe i can disobey higher authority... or try to put smth to protect the lamp? suggestions?
anyway, weird mood was how i pissed zx off via sms. but then again, zx gets pissed so easily... or maybe it was me being pessimistic. I think because i was in the weird mood of "pri sch was so fun" so was easily influenced and then jy was being pessimistic on the phone ( can't blame her, with a life
like that) and then i got pessimistic too. quite surprised shiyi didn't get pissed too since i was being all pessimistic on her too. I can't help it when im feeling down... anw, about Santa Claus and magic:
lets ignore science and proceed with the theory of Santa Claus has magic.
1. Santa poaches some reindeer ( humans can, so why can't he) and bewitches them to fly
2. super-effecient elves sort out letters from children, and gaze into their crystal balls to decide if they've been good, and compile the list of presents and children.
3. Santa's sack of presents is not, in fact, filled with presents, but its instead a portal through which presents can teleport. ( something like a wormhole made to work for him, except that's impossible so meanwhile lets stick to magic)
4. On Christmas Eve, on the stroke of midnight ( this is relative to each country, so by this i mean for each respective country) he sets up a time stop over the country, and proceeds to deliver his presents leisurely
5. he keeps in contact with his elves through telepathy (incredibly long-ranged phone if you want) and they teleport him his presents at the right times.
And let's end off with some chinese joke i found pretty funny, and my amateur translation:
A neighbour (dunno why they didn't just give a name) went to a photo booth near the market to take a half-body picture of herself. after she had taken the photo, she waited for the photo to automtically develop.
she picked up the photo and glanced at it, before screeching in horror and shock, "Oh my God! i look like a monkey in this photo!"
Just then, a middle aged woman behind her coolly responded, " i'm sorry miss, that's mine. You still have to wait 5 minutes for yours.
In case you want to rate my translation, or just want the chinese version, here it is:
physics alien
Monday, December 7, 2009
So, who doesn't believe in Santa Claus? Sorry to quash your christmas spirit, ppl, but as you all know, it should be a tad difficult to travel around the world during Christmas, which is kind of sad. But lots of ppl dont believe (I dunno if I should believe or not believe i.e. bea cynic or be a(n) idiot). Of course, all(most of) the ppl who dont believe still get their presents (instead of a lump of coal)but do they (and you) have the Christmas Spirit? Does No santa claus = no christmas? I mean, Jesus rising from the dead makes little scientific sense either, and Christmas is (supposedly) supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus. But let's see.Thanks to: James for this info.
1) No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.
2) There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world. BUT since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total - 378 million according to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good child in each.
3) Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical).
This works out to 822.6 visits per second. This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house.
Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept), we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75-1/2 million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours, plus feeding and etc.
This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man- made vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second - a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.
4) The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (2 pounds), the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight.
On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting that 'flying reindeer' (see point #1) could pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine.
We need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload - not even counting the weight of the sleigh - to 353,430 tons. Again, for comparison - this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth
(not the actual queen)5) 353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance - this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spacecraft re-entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per second. Each.
In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second.
Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity. A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.> In conclusion - If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's dead now.
So sorry (yet again). Yet many ppl will be cheering because it is (unlikely) that there is a Santa Claus ): (My first "sad face in 5 months. Wow) Of course, all of this is negligible if you think Santa is a God :) (I don't think I believe that)Labels: wx's posts
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I don't feel like posting but since i have nothing else to do while waiting for my aunt to come home (and since its 11pm and I feel kind of randomless.), here's a random picture of me taken with my aunt's webcam -.- (I don't wanna post on my own blog because *someone* plans to hack it)

Ok, so that was entirely lame, weird and um..***. Goodnight, people.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Happy holidays, to whoever you are! Remember, that Santa Claus you see in the mall? He's a DUMMY. Go steal his 10-cent birthday presents. He won't find. And when your parents take you to see him, say he's a big, fat ugly guy and pull his beard. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Happy Holidays, to whoever you are! Remember, Santa Claus knows you've been good people, and he'll reward you with blessings. So next time you see a Santa at the mall, wave at him. Spread the spirit of Christmas people. Presents aren't that important.
Yuletide greetings to one and all! Come drop by Elm's store for some of the best pre-christmas deals in the summer(-.-)! Enjoy our fake, styrofoam snow and the wonderful christmas lighting (this is when the place blacks-out)
I've always hated those commercials. What about you?
Labels: wx's posts