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Labels: jollyfrog's posts
Labels: wx's posts
Labels: wx's posts
Labels: wx's posts
Hi all,
Funny day, boring day, crazy day, irritaing day... It's so hard to describe today...
Mentoring, counselling session, or rather brainwashing... The 'world' crashed to the ground a few times... Eating, drinking, breathing - all part and parcel of daily life...
Really... Where's the sarcasm gone?
Chinese, chinese and chinese... How delightful... Poems, newsapapers, homework... Not much variety...
A break... A cup of milo... A cup of ice after the milo is gone... An empty cup after I ate all the ice... An empty hand after getting rid of the cup...
Chem lessons... Explosions... Tests... Where did the fun go? Tutorial, piece of cake (or pie)... Finshed even before he told us to do it... Nucleons... Nucleus... Protons... Neutrons... Electrons... Positive... Negative... I see 'P's and 'N's all over the screen...
Math... The battle with graphs has ended... Result - frogs: 1 ; graphs united: 0... New chapter, new topic, new fustrations... It's giving me a headache, although this doesn't happen often...
Lunch... A meal... A round one, not a square meal... Ice lemon tea, but where did the ice go? Got sabo-ed for the 'Hyde park' thing by the Gavel club... The girl working the shift was begging me not to strike my name off... I did so anyway...
Then Shi Yi left... Wei Xuan left... Where did they go? Jia Ying dissappeared somewhere even though her bag was still here... Loneliness... Misery... Boredom... Felt alone in the canteen waging war against the new math mob on the piece of paper... Outnumbered... 1000 to 1... Surrendered and packed it into my file...
The bus... 198 after 198... 963 after 188 after 196... Not a 7 in sight... But it came... eventually... Exhaustion(don't know for what reason)... Tiredness... Boredom...Lost the fun element in my life...
Going to save the class blog from death by copying this post over...
End of blog...
End of line...
End of life...
(Ooh... I found the fun element, let's hope it's the correct one...)
Labels: jollyfrog's posts
We will be having our class photo-taking session tomorrow in the library during mentoring session.
We will go back to class after flag-raising and proceed to the library as a class at around 8:10am.
For the photo-shoot,
we’ll be doing something spontaneous, informal and fun shoot.
Creatively and visually number yourselves from 1-23… Not too small ...You can write on your palm or on piece of cut-out heart shape with number on it..etc..
Pls tell them to bring the smile thanks…..That’s all
Therefore, each of us will be in charge of 1 number as below.
Please help to contact/remind your classmates who have not seen this email/notice .
Name | Number |
Baskaran Mukeshwaran | 1 |
Benedix Sim Kuan Loon | 2 |
Choi Jaewoong | 3 |
Chong Kai Hern | 4 |
Chue Wei Xuan | 5 |
Fong Shi Yi | 6 |
Frederick Liew Yong Lun | 7 |
Gabriel Lim Jia Wei | 8 |
Gideon Lee | 9 |
Khwang Jia Ying | 10 |
Loo Yan Tong | 11 |
Manish Reddy Vuyyuru | 12 |
Masaki Muraoka | 13 |
Neo Jing Wei | 14 |
Ng Yong Kuan | 15 |
Ong Jian Chun Matthew | 16 |
Ong Ze Xuan | 17 |
Poon Chen Yi | 18 |
Samuel Zhipeng Wang | 19 |
Tan Jun Yang | 20 |
Teo Tong Lin | 21 |
Wang Fangyi | 22 |
Yaazhini | 23 |
Labels: wx's posts
Labels: jollyfrog's posts
Labels: wx's posts
Labels: jollyfrog's posts
Labels: jollyfrog's posts
1+2.....+11 = HEAVEN* [or hell :P]
*correct ans is 66 and heaven is associated with 66 :P [hell is 9]
-[still] Confectionary Laughter
Labels: wx's posts
Let me emphasise on the second one first because I am REALLY VERY ANGRY with them (again).
Ok, I took 197 with Shi Yi and Jia Ying, who were busily chatting while I did my maths tutorial... Then when we got off, Shi Yi (as usual) was scheming something behind my back. Then she made an excuse to go Popular and kept trying to shake me off. Unfortunately it seemed that they wouldn't leave without having some fun, so I pretended not to notice and they left (again)... And then me (being a nice person) thought they wouldn't be so mean as to leave on the next train so I waited for a while before calling, and then, well, you know what happened...
Then Yan Tong stole my cup of ice during lunch (no fair!), even after giving her such a big chunk stuck together that couldn't really fit in her big fat mouth. (I gave the lemon to Yaazhini who enjoyed eating it) Then Jia Ying was laughing at me trying to get my ice back...
Nothing nice really happened today except for the fact that I finished all my homework (which seemed impossible), except for the chinese worksheet (which seemed impossible to do).
(Feeling like posting the whole thing in red, but it wouldn't be nice)
NOTE: I'm so not going to Popular again unless it's a nice sunny day OR I am feeling happy OR I really need to buy something...
NOTE: I'm so not letting Yan Tong near my cup of ice should I buy ice lemon tea tommorow...
The (upset/angry/dissapointed/irritated/seriously depressed) frog
Labels: jollyfrog's posts
Labels: wx's posts
Labels: wx's posts
Labels: jollyfrog's posts