░“Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy.”
its probably me.
Friday, April 30, 2010

to... someone.

I'm sorry.

I know im wrong.

I know its usually my fault.

I'm much too harsh with you.

Even when i see the hurt you probably feel.

and seriously, i have no right to argue with you, no right to complain about you.

because... I'm wrong.

And your advice... is usually true.

I should heed it...

There's something wrong with me.

I cant seem to accept you or your comments, not after the incident.

I find problems with everything you do...

and unless you're the one who thinks you've changed...

its probably me.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

i have no mood to talk. so i shall write. write about s*it? Of course. Anything else? Nah. It's not my fault you guys don't say anything.

Today i visited my uncle at the hospital where he just went for an operation to remove a possible tumour in his spine. They flipped over his intestines and bowels and tried to "clean out" (cut-out) the mango-sized tumour. (ouch).then they stapled the wound together. Now i wish i could say that i managed to get an interesting picture of the tumour but i did not so stop thinking about it.

the slice in his belly is about fifteen centimetres long, and it hurts everytime he tries to sit up. he needs a catheter (did I spell that right?) and he's still peeing blood so i don't know when he's gonna be okay. The doctor (old, fat, potbelly doctor) says he can be discharged by the end of this week so he's very very eager to go back to work.

there's really nothing much to do in hospital. Mostly he just watches television (that's what he says) but now it seems like he just can't be bothered to do anything anymore. He justs lies and worries and frets and is nervous about his income. medisave didn't cover much.What a stereotype im writing here.

mostly, i wrote this to say that that's who i'm NOT going to me if i ever decide to grow up. And p.s. just in case you didn't know, eating one kilo of chocolate a day prolongs your lifespan :)

In other "recent news", today was my cousin's and grandfather's birthday (interesting coincidence) and I am very proud to say that I ate three big plates of chocolate fondue, cakes, desserts et cetera. Plus three scoops of ice-cream. We celebrated it at a buffet and let me just say the 2 free cakes thay gave us were frigging small. But we still couldn't finish it.

We then went to IWannaGoHome and started looking at all the pretty vases and plates that cost $3999 (I am not joking) as well as a roulette board. that cost only a peasely thirty-something (it was a set with a card(playing)board). But I only brought thirty dollars out. Demn it. I want to play wheel of fortune in my own private space instead of guessing it on television (I managed to guess "recreational boating" when there were only "r", "e", "b", and "ing" on the screen :)

p.p.s Have a happy eastertide (i just went to church)
